Mac Os X

Apache and PHP on OS X Yosemite

Apache and PHP on OS X Yosemite

It’s just a short instructions how to run Apache and PHP on OS X Yosemite.

PHP and Apache are already there – just need to run Apache and enable PHP. Video showing up whole process is available here:

Here you can check out exact changes.

Firsting first – we have to run Apache

sudo apachectl start

Then make some changes in httpd.conf file

sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Find two lines

LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

and uncomment them. To enable PHP and mod_rewrite.
And then restart Apache –

A clipboard manager for Mac OS X

A clipboard manager for Mac OS X

Really tiny but useful program.  ClipMenu can manage clipboard history. You can record 8 clipboard types, from plain text to image. To paste a recorded item, you just pop up menu by invoking the shortcut key, and select a menu item from the menu.

There is also snippet function – you can also register texts you frequently use, like e-mail addresses, user IDs and so on. You can paste these snippets from the menu, too.

Mac OS X Window Manager

Mac OS X Window Manager

I was looking for some kind of easy to use Window Manager for Mac OS X. Usually I’m working on multiple screen with multiple application open (usually it’s between 4-8). It’s really hard to organise everything in proper order and placement. Arranging windows it’s slow, especially when you need to compare or see results on multiple window at once.