Live code reload in golang
Recompiling go language code during development is bit annoying task. But there is an package for that. Actually I found at least 3:
Recompiling go language code during development is bit annoying task. But there is an package for that. Actually I found at least 3:
Exploring [The Go Language][1] is so much fun. Everything is brand new, and different then any other language. This time I’m going to show quick snippet which shows how to read JSON object with unknown structure, and map elements to something like hash table.
For a while i’m playing with
The Go Programming Language
– so far I loved it. I figure out that I’ll push some code snippets from time to time.
Today I spend some time creating simple not ever crawler, but website fetcher.
Idea is very simple – download page, run xpath query on it and spit out results. I was looking for decent xpath library for Go and couldn’t find any. I tried to use
but it sucks. I couldn’t even run queries like id('product-details')/div[@class='product-price']"
Then I found something nicer –
– which works pretty nicely, but – couldn’t find any examples except this
small article
The only problem with running Gokogiri is that it uses libxml2
which is not a huge problem on Linux based systems, but on Mac OS X you have to install it via
homebrewbrew install libxml2