
How to Restore Files from Glacier on Amazon S3 Storage using Bash Script

How to Restore Files from Glacier on Amazon S3 Storage using Bash Script

Amazon S3 storage is a popular cloud storage service that provides scalable object storage for data backup, archive, and disaster recovery. One of the storage options available on Amazon S3 is Amazon Glacier, which provides a low-cost, long-term storage solution for data archiving and backup. However, retrieving data from Amazon Glacier can be time-consuming and expensive. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to restore files from Glacier on Amazon S3 storage using a Bash script.

How to create AWS Signature on GET POST request

How to create AWS Signature on GET POST request

Signing request with AWS Signature

Postman, it’s a great tool for debuging, testing and other activities performed by us - developers. It has a build in option to sign requestes with AWS Signature . We do have AWS SDK for Go v2 , but I couldn’t find any good examples except a test file . The other useful file will be const.go where we can find a couple of interesting variables.

How to upload to S3 with presigned URL

Dealing with presigned URL

Object storage is getting more and more popular. AWS started, but nowadays, almost every provider has it. Recently Cloudflare announced its availability. DigitalOcean call them Spaces.

So today, we are trying to upload a file to an S3 type of storage with a presigned URL.

TL;DR: how to generate the correct URL and upload data into it.