Australian postcode to state conversion

Australian postcode to state conversion

list of Australian postcodes by the state

I recently worked on a project with a super dull address form. I figured out that we need to help poor users fill tedious forms, so I made a little code snippet/function which gets the postcode and returns the state. I took postcode ranges from wikipedia , so blame them if something isn’t working as expected.

GeoIP extension PHP 7.x + AMI / Redhat / CentOs Linux

GeoIP extension PHP 7.x + AMI / Redhat / CentOs Linux

Small 2019 update – Please check out this library –

It’s a straight replacement of PHP module.

GeoIP extensions is quite use-full, but it requires some server – side magic. If you are looking for something simpler, just go with or something similar – GeoIP .


php go-pear.phar

We need geoip-devel libraries:

yum install geoip-devel

And newest (not stable) version of geoip:

sudo ./pecl install geoip-1.1.1

Don’t forget to add to your php.ini file.

4 reasons why you don’t get a new client Today

4 reasons why you don’t get a new client Today

Each day – new companies want to make the world a better place and try to sell you fantastic service, API, whatever. I’m constantly searching for new exciting, and valuable services which could make “my” (my clients) live easier. Everyone has a flashy website, “Try now”, “Try now for free”, “Signup for free” – fill the form, no credit card required… entry level – no trouble at all. Let’s do it.