FTP server on EC2 Ami Linux instance
People say that FTP is dead. But not everyone knows or can use SFTP, SSH whatever to update their website. Sometimes you just need something as simple as good old FTP server on your instance. Let’s do it.
People say that FTP is dead. But not everyone knows or can use SFTP, SSH whatever to update their website. Sometimes you just need something as simple as good old FTP server on your instance. Let’s do it.
Welcome in 2019 – it’s time to upgrade out outdated LAMP stack series articles, with new “How To” setup basic web server for our stack.
In ancient times, when youtube was born, we didn’t have a VIDEO tag. We used to have Flash. To play video on the website, we had to convert it to weird Flash video format, leave mp4 for safety and hope that everything would work fine. Later on, when HTML5 became an industry standard, our lives became much easier.
In theory, VIDEO tag solves all our issues. When the browser can handle webm (Chrome family) we play webm. If we deal with other browsers – mp4 should work for us. So let’s test our theory.
From time to time we are working on small campaigns, where competition starts at given time. Because in Australia we have “so many” timezones, it’s critical to set things correctly according to the time zone.
There is a website, with iframe. I frame source is correct, but won’t display content of the website. No visible errors. There only small detail in the console:
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://... does not permit cross-origin framing.
Some crazy admin figure out that it’s going to be better… and put some crazy code into headers:
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINX-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=blockX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Solution: talk to the hand, because admin won’t listen ;P