CodeIgniter and PHP_CodeSniffer

CodeIgniter is the king šŸ˜‰ But if we want to create good quality code, we should be aware about CodeIgniter style guide standards. What can be better than PHP_CodeSniffer for keeping our codeĀ consistentĀ and clean as much as it possible.

Unfortunately standard rules from PHP_CodeSniffer doesnā€™t apply for CodeIgniter. You have to install additional set of rules ā€“ you can download them from here: PHP_CodeSniffer rules for CI .

iBrowser and TinyMCE

You can find plenty of tutorials how to setup tinyMCE and iBrowser, but non of them mention about common problems, like ā€œerror building image list!ā€, or how to bind regular image browser to iBrowser. Here you can find full instructions.

Apache Virtual Hosts in a Database

As much as I love lighttpd Ā sometimes I canā€™t avoid Apache . For me ā€“ ā€œthe bestā€ thing in lighttpd is support for keeping vhost names in MySQL database. I donā€™t have to use any config files, I can just put record into MySQL database with virtual host server name, path to document root and itā€™s done.Ā But ā€“ I can do the same witch Apache! How? With third party modules, below you can find short tutorial ā€œhow toā€.

How to get better results with ImageMagick and convert

How to get better results with ImageMagick and convert

In last two days Iā€™m trying to find best way to convert PDF files to good quality JPEG files. Of course size does matter, not only in case of women breasts.

When I was trying to convert files directly from PDF to JPEG results was pretty scary:

convert myfile.pdf[1] dc.jpg

number 1 in brackets means only one(second) page to process.
As I result I get file with pretty huge size: 496.8K
butā€¦ if we do this in two steps: