Send and receive emails via API

Send and receive emails via API

It’s coming with experience. On the beginning you always trying to do everything by your self. No frameworks, no libraries – bare bone solutions written from the scratch. Later – you realising than your time is to expensive, and start using some libraries. After another period of time you are getting to the point, that you are willing to use as many existing solutions as it’s possible.

Really typical problem – sending and receiving emails from the apps. Of course – you can send emails using simple mail () command or using more sophisticated libraries like Swiftmailer but… if there is an option to use API, you can chose from couples:

CSS Sprites online tools

CSS Sprites online tools

CSS Sprites  it was a very popular technique for a long time. Biggest benefit from it: reduce number of the requestes to the server, and speedup whole website / loading image assets. Working with CSS slides is really painful  Usually you are starting from PSD then you have to decouple them to separate images, then merge them again to one image, and then mark position of each element in the CSS file.

Couple useful tools to work with:

Amazon EC2 – Installing Apache and PHP boilerplate

Amazon EC2 – Installing Apache and PHP boilerplate

In this extremely simply tutorial I’m going to show, how you can deploy basic LAMP stack on EC2 instance. Instruction are pretty basic, without extra comments. You can just copy and paste command to get working stack in lest then 15 minutes.

What you can learn from it? How to install Apache and PHP, how to enable and run XCache accelerator, and how to run HTTPS on your server, with purchasing SSL certificate.