CodeIgniter img update

CodeIgniter img update

It’s been a while since my library CodeIgniter img was updated. Purpose of this library is pretty clear – to scale images on the fly using CodeIgniter. It’s very useful in all kinds of website and CMS-like projects. All you need to do, is just load library and inside view use it like that

$this->img->rimg('path/to/image.jpg', array('width' => 100, 'height' => 200, 'alt'='my awesome image'));

First time when script hits image, will create thumbnail. Next time, website will get already scaled image. If you need change dimensions, just change it within view – don’t worry about recreating images.

Shuttle XS35 V2 and CentOs drivers

Some time ago I bought extremely quiet Shuttle XS35 V2  device to have something “seperate” for my web development work. Right now this awesome fan less device has many purposes. Works as full web dev stack, with Apache, PHP, MySQL, mongoDB, and even Jenkins machine.

Recently I realised that this small ugly device got also WiFi cart into it. Because I’m running out of cables and space in my apartment i figure out, that I could move it easily without plugging into it more cables.