Fetch page with proxy using The Go language

Fetch page with proxy using The Go language

For a while i’m playing with The Go Programming Language – so far I loved it. I figure out that I’ll push some code snippets from time to time.
Today I spend some time creating simple not ever crawler, but website fetcher.

Idea is very simple – download page, run xpath query on it and spit out results. I was looking for decent xpath library for Go and couldn’t find any. I tried to use xmlpath but it sucks. I couldn’t even run queries like id('product-details')/div[@class='product-price']" Then I found something nicer – Gokogiri – which works pretty nicely, but – couldn’t find any examples except this small article .

The only problem with running Gokogiri is that it uses libxml2 which is not a huge problem on Linux based systems, but on Mac OS X you have to install it via homebrew
brew install libxml2

Getting started with go language on Mac OS X

Getting started with go language on Mac OS X

Node.js is like space shuttle – very sophisticated, very fast but one simple mistake and… it goes down.

So recently i tried The Go Language  which is advertised as

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

Because google is a creator of this langauge documentation sucks. Plenty of random documents of everwhere, no clean how to documentation.

Phalcon is a new PHP Framework of my choice

Phalcon is a new PHP Framework of my choice

I’m working on multiple PHP based projects. Most of them using CodeIgniter as a base framework. I mastered it into stage, where has no secrets for me. The problem is that I also know disadvantages of this bit outdated framework. Recently core team announced that they are dropping future development so it means that CI is dead. Doesn’t mean that I don’t like it anymore. I just started looking for something new.

I like CI because I got control over everything. Modern PHP frameworks trying to solve all problems for you. It’s amazing, but lack of control is what you don’t need in when you developing projects. What do you need it’s this easy flow during development process. Full control over your MVC structure, but also a lot of “help” from framework itself.