Sending emails from commandline

Sending emails from commandline

Pretty easy but annoying task. Especially when you want to send email using specific SMTP server, or from GMAIL using SSL or add some attachment, or send RAW emails. Solution is there – mailsend . Extremely simple command line tool for Linux, Mac OS X and even Windows ;). Compile / download binary and you can enjoy freedom of sending emails from command line.

PHP, work queues

PHP, work queues

Biggest pain point in PHP is lack of asynchronous calls. The only reasonable way is to use some kind of “backend” processing and task list to execute. Some people use cron to run given script each n-minutes and execute tasks. But there is a little bit more “professional” approach.  Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue. Idea is pretty simple – you can just throw tasks into queue and then have background worker which is pulling data from pipe and executes task.

Couple ideas: sending emails, processing images, making heavy queries into database. But the best part of it – you don’t have to use PHP for back processing. It could be anything, because protocol us universal and worker and client doesn’t have to be in the same language. So you can schedule task in PHP, and run it in Go. I’m not going too much into details. Just run some examples.

Reading unknown JSON object in go language

Reading unknown JSON object in go language

Exploring [The Go Language][1] is so much fun. Everything is brand new, and different then any other language. This time I’m going to show quick snippet which shows how to read JSON object with unknown structure, and map elements to something like hash table.

CentoOS 7 NFS support

CentoOS 7 NFS support

CentOS is pretty new, and some default stuff is just missing. Like NFS suport out of the box.

We have to install package called nfs-utils

yum -y install nfs-utils

we can mount using standard mount

mount -a 

to make it parmament

edit /etc/fstab /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0