MacBook Pro can’t connect to 5 GHz wireless N network

That one was tricky. Got brand-new router and couldn’t connect to 5 Ghz network. My iPhone didn’t have this issues, neither couple other devices at home. I spend some time randomly changing settings on wireless network, and then I found tricky information – my MacBook can’t use all available channels, can work only on specific one.

Easy deployment from GIT to FTP

I’m huge fan of Continuous Integration and all possible automation which can save me any time during development process. I’m using plenty of different tools in my daily work, but there is always place for something new.

Basically each decent IDE has FTP client build in, but sometimes you don’t have access to your IDE but obviously you got your code in GIT repository. If you are using Bitbucket or Github you are lucky – you can use FTPloy  . It’s super simple service, which gives you option to bind your repository with FTP server. After change is made – it deploys your files on the server. Nothing more, nothing less.

PhpStorm PHPCodeSniffer and… CodeIgniter style guide

This article is related to my previous one about setting up PHPCodeSniffer with CodeIgniter coding standards.

Installation on Linux boxes is pretty yeasy:

sudo pear channel-update
yum install php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer php-phpunit-phpcpd

On Mac OS X you have couple options. Pear or Homebrew:

brew install php-code-sniffer

And following that, on regular boxes CodeSniffer will be here:


on Mac OS CodeSniffer will be located here:

/usr/lib/php/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards or… /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.5.6/CodeSniffer/Standards

CodeIgniter standard can be downloaded from this location

TOTP security tokens and 2-Step Verification

Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) is an algorithm that computes a  one-time password  from a  shared secret key  and the current time. The most popular implementation of this solution is Google Authenticator.

This application that implements  TOTP   security tokens . Usually is branded as “ Two-step verification {.mw-redirect}” (or 2-Step Verification). Authenticator provides a six- to eight-digit  one-time password  which users must provide in addition to their username and password to log into various services or other sites.