SWAP space on EC2 on separate volume
It’s an extension of my previous article – how to create SWAP on EC2 instance.
This time, we are going to create separate volume.
It’s an extension of my previous article – how to create SWAP on EC2 instance.
This time, we are going to create separate volume.
what is the best stack for your next project
People quite often asking me about technology stack, and where to go with next big project. The answer isn’t simple – it depends. Usually, we have couple components which are critical for the whole system. If we are talking about a web-based solution or any API we have to decide about DATABASE, then we have STORAGE, moving on – some BACKEND service language.
You can just open file with nano -c filename
to make it permanent: nano ~/.nanorc
and drop there set const
save it… and you are done.
an easy way to extend your disc space on VM
…in most cases you have 2 options. Because we are living in Cloud and VPS era – it’s not a big deal. You can always bump up your volume and after while you can enjoy bigger more expensive instance with more space. But sometimes you need just a space for a while or… just something for a backup ? You can always use s3cmd , gsutil or another tool. Imagine that you have just regular folder on your drive, with almost unlimited space. Sounds good ? If so checkout – s3fs-fuse . Nice tool, which allows you to bind external storage as a director in your system.
Recently I realised that my DirectAdmin hosting doesn’t support PUT and DELETE requests by default. Apparently it’s necessary to make requests to my recent PrestaShop API adventures. As usually quick and dirty solution below. All you need to do, just to drop it to custom configuration.