Web Development

Setting Up Cloudflare Tunnel: A Modern Alternative to Ngrok

Setting Up Cloudflare Tunnel: A Modern Alternative to Ngrok

Learn how to securely expose your local services using Cloudflare Tunnel

Quick and Free Way to Share Your Local Docker Service with Clients

Ever been in that situation where you’ve built something cool in Docker and want to quickly show it to your client? Yeah, me too. Recently, I was wrapping up a database admin panel project and needed a way to let my client review it before the final deployment.

My go-to solution used to be Ngrok. It works, but the free tier gives you random URLs that look like 8f4d-192-158-1-38.ngrok.io. Not very professional when sending to clients, right? Plus, these URLs change every time you restart the tunnel.

Streamline Your Web Content Extraction with Readability

Streamline Your Web Content Extraction with Readability

A powerful tool for automated web content extraction and analysis

I’d like to share Readability , a tool I’ve developed and refined over time. Its primary focus has always been straightforward: find the most prominent image on any webpage while keeping the overhead minimal.

Core Focus: Image Detection

The main strength of Readability lies in its image detection capabilities. While many similar tools try to do everything, I focused on solving one specific problem really well: finding the most prominent image on a page through dimensional analysis. The approach is simple yet effective:

HTML5 Video tag, and webm

HTML5 Video tag, and webm

In ancient times, when youtube was born, we didn’t have a VIDEO tag. We used to have Flash. To play video on the website, we had to convert it to weird Flash video format, leave mp4 for safety and hope that everything would work fine. Later on, when HTML5 became an industry standard, our lives became much easier.

In theory, VIDEO tag solves all our issues. When the browser can handle webm (Chrome family) we play webm. If we deal with other browsers – mp4 should work for us. So let’s test our theory.