
How to show line numbers in nano

You can just open file with nano -c filename to make it permanent: nano ~/.nanorc and drop there set const save it… and you are done.

When you are running out of space on your server

an easy way to extend your disc space on VM

…in most cases you have 2 options. Because we are living in Cloud and VPS era – it’s not a big deal. You can always bump up your volume and after while you can enjoy bigger more expensive instance with more space. But sometimes you need just a space for a while or… just something for a backup ? You can always use s3cmd , gsutil or another tool. Imagine that you have just regular folder on your drive, with almost unlimited space. Sounds good ? If so checkout –  s3fs-fuse . Nice tool, which allows you to bind external storage as a director in your system.

powerDNS with SQLite backend as a slave for BIND

(powerDNS)[] it’s a great alternative for large and complex BIND setup. Light footprint, and quick setup made that server as my obvious choice for slave server for primary BIND server. So let’s config begins:

How schedule start and stop EC2 instance on AWS

How schedule start and stop EC2 instance on AWS

Biggest advantage with AWS – EC2 service, is that you are paying for each minute of usage. So – why run instances 24/7 if you need them only for 12 hours par day ? You can just start and stop whenever you need them. Obviously we don’t want to forgot to shutdown our instance, or start when we need it. Here is a simple recipe how to automate whole task

Setting up caddy server for wordpress

Setting up caddy server for wordpress

Caddy is a another alternative to Apache or nginx . For me the biggest advantage is that it’s only one binary file to work with. It’s easy to run, setup and just “works”. It’s super modern – handles HTTP2 and automatic HTTPS encryption using let’s encrypt certificates. Obviously it has plenty of other features but we focus only on speed of deployment.