How to run cross browser testing cheaply

How to run cross browser testing cheaply

Cross browser testing is a standard part of the testing process. No matter what you build – small page, online form or huge service. It’s really important to test it across multiple browsers.

Typically, we are going use to . This tool is pretty awesome. You can generate screenshots from multiple browsers and operating systems (trust me – Chrome on Windows, renders pages differently then OS X). Also, you have the option to get live access to the browser to click on elements to check interaction. There is an option to run a local tunnel to render a page coming from your local environment. But there, nothing is free in life – so browsers stack “free” services are going very fast.

Another good website is a . It’s super simple – allows you run multiple browsers – free version is pretty limited, but paid version is slight cheaper then browser stack.

If you are looking for free Windows 10 and Edge exposure – you can use . After account creation you have access to pretty good service.

Finally – another one . Stuffed with ads, limited with browsers but allows you to test your website easily.